Me Made May challenge

The lovely Zoe of So, Zo… What do you know? is once again hosting the Me Made May challenge and I am happy to say that I just about managed to sign up on time.

I was really looking forward to this as I have made quite a few clothes for myself over the last year. So I was ready for this. However, now that the day has finally come, I wasn’t sure what to pledge. The basic pledge would be to wear one me made item each day. That is not challenging as currently I do that anyway. Mainly because the only T-shirts without holes are the ones that I have made a couple of weeks ago here and here. And there is of course my hoodie. So, I do wear at least one me made item every day anyway.

Another pledge often used in this challenge, is to wear each garment only once or to wear each garment at least once. For the first, I would not have enough yet, for the latter, well, I do not have appropriate occasions to wear all of them. Unfortunately I have a tendency to make lovely dresses although I do not actually wear dresses in my everyday life.

So, I feel that this year, I can not actually do the challenge properly. Being at home without any likelihood to dress up nicely limits the choice in my wardrobe. On the other hand, it is also unlikely to get many new items done in the next couple of weeks.

I have therefore decided to take the challenge as a step forward towards a bigger goal of becoming self-sustaining wardrobe-wise. I am not sure if this will ever be possible or if this is what I really want. What about underwear and things like tights and leggings. Or more functional outdoor wear? I am not sure about that.

So for Me Made May 17 it will be one me made piece of clothing everyday as a base plus I will actually declutter my wardrobe in order to identify my needs and following this, I would like to start eventually adding more useful pieces (rather than just “colourful and fun but unfortunately not matching  with anything else I already own” kind of items). I will also try to finish two projects.  One would be a Zsa Zsa coat as I kind of started this project already. Unfortunately it will fall in the “colourful and fun but unfortunately not matching with anything else I already own” category. The second project will be a pair of trousers. Probably using a pattern by Tilly and the Buttons. I really feel that this will be an important step forward. I have been sewing simple tops and dresses for children for far too long. Time to get out of the comfort zone again and learn something new.